Easy Steps To Create Log4j2 Rolling File For Spring Boot

Introduction Spring Boot applications can save informative messages or application errors to a file. This functionality allows you to monitor the application’s health and take necessary action when problems arise. Logging all of this information to a single file, on the other hand, will cause the file to expand in size, which would be a nightmare if the file size rose to MB or GB and you wanted to trace a specific exception throughout the whole log file....

November 20, 2022

Two Steps To Add Log4j2 To Spring Boot Application

Introduction Log4j2 is a comprehensive and modern framework for logging messages in applications. And Spring Boot, which is widely used in industry, provides excellent support for Log4j2. In this tutorial, we will look at how to configure it using an XML and YAML file. Setup Download the Spring Boot application from Spring Boot Starter and extract the zip file. POM Configuration Add log4j2 as a dependency to the pom.xml file. pom....

November 17, 2022