Create Maven Project Through Command Line

Introduction How often do you create a Maven project from your preferred editor? The response would be frequently or always. But have you ever thought about what Maven command your editor used to create the project? Yes, maven projects are built solely with the maven command, exactly as “mvn clean install” is used to create a project’s jar file. This tutorial will teach you about such a command. Maven Command Open your terminal and navigate to the directory in which you want to create a new Maven project....

November 29, 2022
Maven Create Jacoco Code Coverage Report

Maven Create Jacoco Code Coverage Report

Introduction In this tutorial we will see how to setup the JaCoCo plugin to generate a code coverage report for a Maven project. In order to generate a unit test coverage report, we should have sufficient unit test cases in our application. For this tutorial, I am referring to a Maven project which has a string manipulation method. You can find this project at this GitHub location. There are a few steps that need to be taken to produce the report....

May 26, 2022